Male/Female Typical
In class this week we talked about male/female typical behaviors. Women are typically more nurturing, cooperative, better at communicating, sensitive to emotions, emotionally expressive, relative oriented, and women are detail oriented. Men are more active/combative, competitive, spatial oriented, aggressive, myopic, and men are more of risk takers.
While looking at videos of children these behaviors became prominent. Little girls tended to be more nurturing and caring to their dolls. While boys liked to crash their toys and play fight with them. My teacher observed this in his own kids. His little daughter saw her brothers playing with toy trucks, so she wanted to play with one too. When they gave her a truck, they saw that she had wrapped the truck in a blanket and was putting it to sleep. They saw the opposite of this when they gave their son a Barbie to play with. The little boy bent the doll at the waist and started playing with the doll like it was a toy gun. This happened not because the kids were raised that way, but because these behaviors are in their nature.
Another difference is that women are more relative oriented while men are spatial oriented. This means that women struggle more with giving directions like north, south, east, and west, and instead give directions by landmarks. Women would say directions like that is over by the Walmart. While men are better at giving directions using north, south, east, west. This was shown in a video where they blindfolded the men and women and walked them through a building. The men were able to tell where things were, but women struggled with giving directions.
Although the men are better directionally, women are more detail oriented than men. This was shown in a video where they put men and women in a room with many objects on a desk. They left them in the room for a while then asked them what they remembered was on the desk. The women were better at describing the things on the desk than men. This is also shown when women go to get their hair done. Some men may notice that they did something different, but many men do not notice things like that, so they don’t realize that their wife has done something different to her hair.
Another way men and women are different is in our thought processes. Women think more about how their choices will affect others. Men think and base their choices on what's right and wrong, and they don’t think about who their choices are affecting.
Along with our thought process being different, men and women also fight differently. Men tend to be more physical and competitive so when they are provoked or something threatens what they love, that protective side kicks in and they physically fight. Women are different, some women may fight, but most likely women tend to fight by verbally diminishing.
As we can see, men and women are both extremely different. Women and men balance each other out. These typical behaviors help men and women fulfill our roles that men and women are created for. God created us differently because men and women have different roles. These roles are found in the family proclamation. In the proclamation it says that women are to nurture and men are created to preside, provide, and protect. Our typical behaviors relate very closely to our roles. The world is trying to deemphasize these roles and outdate them, but these are crucial when raising families. In the scriptures, it says that Eve is a help meet for Adam. When we look up meet in the bible dictionary it says that meet means fitting, proper, qualified, and suitable. Men and women are created equally but we are also created differently because we have different roles to fulfill in this life.
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