Hey everyone! My name is Brandi Worthington and this is my first time blogging! I am super excited to start sharing insights from my Family Relations class!
Communicating in Relationships
This week I learned a lot of information about communicating. I have always valued communication, and I have loved learning more about communication this week. One thing I have found interesting this week is talking about how there are different ways of communicating rather than just words. 14% of communication comes from our words, 35% comes from our tone, and 51% comes from body language. When you are talking to someone, you are not just listening and encoding their words, you are also encoding their tone which they are speaking to you in and you are also encoding their body language. I found it interesting how little percent words make up and how much body language makes up, but it also makes a lot of sense to me. If my fiancé for example was telling me how much he loves me, but he said in an angry tone and was facing away from me, I don’t know if I would believe him. Our society has changed so much, where a lot of our communication comes solely from words. Most kids only...
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